Lola Méndez

Lola Méndez
Lola Méndez is a travel writer and full-time globetrotter sharing her adventures on Miss Filatelista. She travels to develop her own worldview and has explored over 50 countries. Passionate about sustainable travel she seeks out ethical experiences that benefit local communities. You can follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

Articles by Lola Méndez

  • Cities across the States get a little more colorful as groups of people come together to celebrate Pride each year in June, with rainbow flags and clothes to symbolize gay pride.

  • Looking for unique ways to shower the ones you love with gifts and praise for Valentine’s Day? We’ve got you covered with inspiration from different cultures around the world who honor love in unique ways. Here are 18 of the sweetest ways that people declare their love on Valentine’s Day from Bulgaria to Guatemala and beyond.

  • Traveling has made me a coffee lover. I’ve enjoyed the perfect espresso in Italy, strong traditional brews made in copper pots in Albania, cortados in Uruguay, and learned to take my coffee with coconut milk in Vietnam. Throughout my adventures, I’ve visited coffee plantations in India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. I thought I’d collected an abundance of knowledge about the caffeinated beverage but it wasn’t until I took a tour of the organic Finca Rosa Blanca coffee plantation in Santa Bárbara de Heredia, Costa Rica, that I realized I knew absolutely nothing about the cultivation of coffee.

  • Help stop animal cruelty in Southeast Asia by avoiding inhumane experiences with captive animals—we’ve got the details on ethical animal tourism in Southeast Asia.

  • Celebrate International Women’s Day by supporting women around the globe through unique tourism experiences that benefit women’s empowerment and travel with female-led groups. International Women’s Day is honored annually on March 8th to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and serves as a call to action for accelerating gender parity.