

bees ecotourism 1

“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”

–Lady Bird Johnson

Ecotourism (or if you prefer, eco-tourism) helps preserve natural resources, wildlife, and those who depend on the fragile ecosystems for their livelihood and survival. Taking care of our treasure trove of natural resources is an imperative to our sustainability.

Jane Goodall asked a poignant question: “How is it possible that the most intellectual creature to ever walk the planet earth is destroying its only home?”

Visit natural locations, observe wildlife, be a part of conservation efforts, promote sustainability and protect the local communities. Make a difference by contributing financially as you visit the pristine natural environments and help the local communities survive. Also your visits will be instrumental in protecting the endangered wildlife and threatened natural environments. Travel to protect the nature – its originality and raw form.

Marinate on that question as you enjoy these insightful stories on ecotourism.