Connecting across Distances: The Impact of COVID-19 in Belgium

YouTube video

Aired on March 27, 2020

Coronavirus may be keeping us at physical distances but it isn’t preventing us from connecting socially through technology.

World Footprints believes in the power of connection so we are traveling around the world to connect with family, friends and colleagues while adhering to health and safety guidelines. We are sharing stories about how others have been impacted by COVID-19 and the creative ways they’re adopted with the changes in their lives.

Today, we’re connecting with Sven Parthie, a massage therapist and life coach with a focus on Stress Management, who lives in Brussels, Belgium. Sven will share how the impact of COVID-19 is being felt in Brussels and some of the creative ways Belgians are coping with the pandemic. He’ll also share some helpful tips on how to manage stress during these trying times.

Wherever you’re joining us from please be safe. We’re all in this together and World Footprints is trying to serve you the best that we can.

#StayingConnected #COVID19Impact #StressManagement #WorldFootprints #BrusselsBelgium #CopingWithCOVID #HealthAndSafety #InspiringStories #GlobalConnection #WeAreInThisTogether

Stay connected with World Footprints and discover how people around the world are navigating the impact of COVID-19.


Massage therapist and stress management coach Sven Parthie who appeared as a guest on one of World Footprints COVID-19 podcasts.Sven Parthie is a Massage Therapist and Life Coach with a focus on Stress Managment and Stress Reduction. Born 1975 in Flensburg, Germany, he studied Medieval and Modern History, English Philology and Constitutional law and worked as campaign organizer, Parliamentary aid and consultant before changing careers. He has been living in Brussels, Belgium for 15 years. The Coronavirus crisis is the second time he experiences the city and its people in distress – the 2016 terror attacks being the first incident. Right now, his work focuses on online coaching, helping clients to get through anxiety and isolation, and to organise their home office. Visit his website:

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  • Tonya Headshot cropped e1508798142913

    Tonya Fitzpatrick, Esq., is a co-founder of World Footprints, a social impact travel media company that she runs with her husband, Ian. She is an award-winning journalist, global public speaker, and three-time TEDx presenter who has written for several prominent publications including the Miami Herald, AAA World, The Lens and Island Soul. Recognized as Black Travel Journalists of the Year alongside Ian, Tonya serves on several travel industry boards, including SATW, The Explorers Club (DC chapter), NATJA, and JourneyWoman. She has also been appointed to the Maryland Tourism Development Board by Governor Wes Moore.