Breana Johnson

Breana Johnson is an Arizona native and avid traveler. When she’s not exploring the Southwest’s offbeat destinations, you can find her brushing up on American Sign Language, crafting award-winning novels, or blogging at Snag her latest novelette for free when you sign up for Breana’s newsletter.
Listen to Breana on St. Maarten Travels that Transformed Lives
Articles by Breana Johnson
The best way to travel with the intent of exploring diversity is to ditch the touristy places. Sometimes, tourist attractions bring people from all over the world — the Grand Canyon or Disneyland, for example.
Although I’ve lived in Phoenix, Arizona for twenty years of my life, there are still times I wonder why on earth someone thought it would be a good idea to build a city in the middle of a desert with no water source.
...if you find your way east of Phoenix and approach the small town of Apache Junction, the city lights melt away and the mountains rise to meet you. As cacti replace streetlights and horses replace sports cars, you might wonder if you’ve stepped back into the Wild West.
Think of the word “traveler,” and you might envision someone playing in the ocean, backpacking through Europe, or climbing a mountain. However, travelers come with all ability levels. Sand and summits may present challenges to people with physical disabilities, but exploring the globe is still an important (and enjoyable) part of life.
Benjamin Franklin gestured dramatically toward the moldering gravestone of the Revolutionary War soldier. “And then,” he proclaimed, pausing for effect, “He killed ‘im dead!”.