Experience the Magic of Rørosmartnan in Norway
Posted December 27, 2024
“From 1854 onward, a yearly market shall be held in Røros, commencing the second to last Tuesday in the month of February and lasting until the following Friday,” declared the King of Norway. When the king speaks, Norwegians listen, and in February 1854, Rørosmartnan was born.
Due to a lack of road connections at the time, the frozen landscape provided the best transportation option. Traders from all over Norway and parts of Sweden harnessed their horses to sleighs and traveled across frozen lakes and rivers through snow-blanketed forests to Røros. They brought with them products indigenous to their regions to trade with their fellow countrymen.
Celebrating its 170th Year
Rørosmartnan continued for 167 consecutive years until 2020. The historic event was canceled in 2021 and 2022 due to covid. Fortunately, the celebration returned in 2023. In 2025, Rørosmartan will celebrate its 170th year.
Except for the extension of the festival through Saturday and the addition of electricity and cell phones, not much has changed. Teams of Norwegians and a few Swedes still journey to Rørosmartnan by horse and sleigh, with some traveling up to 11 days and sleeping in farmhouses along the way. The tradition isn’t just for old-timers—it’s a multi-generational experience with participants ranging in age from 1 to 90.
History Surrounds Rørosmartnan
Røros is an attraction in its own right, especially in winter when the streets are covered in snow, and the sun reflects off icy tree branches. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the former copper mining town’s modern-day inhabitants live and work in protected turf-topped wooden buildings dressed in shades of red, brown, gold, and green.
During Rørosmartnan, the 5,600 residents share their narrow streets with 70,000 to 80,000 visitors as this charming town transforms into a lively marketplace with festive street life day and night. A national event, Rørosmartnan celebrates the past while promoting local culture and economy.
Experience the Magic of Opening Day
Spanning over five days from Tuesday through Saturday, Rørosmartnan offers a whirlwind of festivities starting with an exceptional kick-off. Opening day at Rørosmartnan delivers a magical experience to all who attend. The celebration ensues as clanging bells announce the grand arrival of over 80 vendor horse-drawn sleighs and carriages gliding into the town center wearing traditional Norwegian dress topped with reindeer furs for warmth. Folk singing, traditional dances and official speeches by the Minister of Finance are also part of opening day ceremonies in this delightful snow-covered landscape.
Join the Party in the Backyards
Throughout the festival, most of the trade fair takes place on the two main streets, where exhibitors display traditional crafts, foods, and regional wares. But for the true essence of Rørosmartnan, head to the courtyards known as backyards.
Traditionally, people gathered in the backyards to trade, play music, dance, and tell stories. During Rørosmartnan, this tradition lives on as the backyards become almost like country inns with stables for visiting horses. Wander into any backyard, and you will find fiddlers and other musicians, coffee brewing over an open fire, traditional crafts, and storytelling. A hearty welcome awaits everyone, and for those who want to dance, traders happily teach their beloved folk dances.
Sample Traditional Cuisine
Throughout Rørosmartnan, traditional Norwegian delicacies grace the menus of local restaurants. For the ultimate indulgence, be sure to experience the extensive buffet lunch at Bergstadens Hotel. There, you’ll find every imaginable type of salmon and endless varieties of herring. Platters of potatoes stand alongside trays of reindeer meat and a wide variety of cheese platters. For brave culinary adventurers, a rare delicacy made from cow udders awaits.
Meet the Enchanting Nordic Animals
Rørosmartnan offers plenty of opportunities to meet the enchanting animals living in this fairytale world. Experience a horse-drawn sleigh ride under the warmth of your own reindeer blanket. Or, for more action, consider mushing with a team of Alaskan Huskies.
Just outside of the festival, in a scene straight from the North Pole, excited children of all ages ride in wooden sleds pulled by reindeer on the frozen lake. The reindeer belong to a family of Indigenous Sami people whose daily life revolves around reindeer herding.
Traditions of the Sami people date back many generations in the Nordic regions. Although the family’s main home is in town, they spend much of their time with their reindeer in the mountains, where they live in cabins built for herders. During the festival they bring the reindeer into the town center to the delight of everyone seeking a winter wonderland moment.