PBS Television Host Rick Steves about his love for Europe and Celebration of Diversity

Aired on October 11, 2020
World Footprints stows away with travel writer and “For The Love Of Europe” and how travel is an antidote to the purposeful dumbing down of American society. We will explore Rick Steves’ Europe and it will be fun to see Europe through his eyes.
This interview shows a different side of Rick Steves and our conversation explores the responsibility and place in the world that Rick believes he occupies. Rick discusses why travel is important to educational development and global citizenship. Our conversation is thoughtful and provocative in parts and it shows a side of Rick that is not frequently seen.
“The more you learn about this world…the broader your viewpoint gets…the more you celebrate diversity…”
–Rick Steves
Until we are free and safe to travel again we can explore Rick Steves’ Europe and beyond through Rick’s stories. (We promise you’ll be entertained.) We can also discover how we think about the importance of travel as well as how we can develop our place in a world that is equitable and kind.