World Footprints speaks with Ayesha Tanzeem, Voice of America (VOA) Bureau Chief for Pakistan and Afghanistan, to discuss the region's COVID-19 response and challenges. Ayesha shares information not widely reported outside the Middle East, offering enlightening insights into the pandemic's impact.
This interesting video explores the serious problem of ocean plastic pollution and the innovative solutions that are being created. Stay aware of the powerful combination of social responsibility and environmental awareness, which shows how one person's efforts may lead to significant change.
Following our earlier interview with Johannes Syms from the Western Cape (Cape Town), South Africa, we interviewed a Johannesburg-based reporter, Anita Powell, to learn what is happening in that densely populated city. Some of what we learned about the healthcare concerns in South Africa surprised us.
What will travel look like post-coronavirus, especially for travel writers who make their living by exploring the world? We sought answers from a trusted friend and colleague, Tim Leffel.
For weeks, it seemed like Mexico wasn't as impacted by COVID-19 as other countries around the world, and certainly not as affected as its U.S. neighbor. But what was really happening in Mexico, and how is the country handling the coronavirus pandemic today? Was Mexico slow to respond to the pandemic, or did the virus simply not spread there as quickly as it did in other countries? To answer these questions, World Footprints turned to Tim Leffel, an award-winning travel journalist and U.S. expat residing in Mexico. Tim joins us to share his insights on the current situation in Mexico, particularly in the central state of Guanajuato. He provides an in-depth look at how Mexico is managing the pandemic and what the reality on the ground looks like. Guanajuato Mexico monument For more global stories and expert insights, visit World Footprints. Call to Action: Visit our website for [...]
How can we explore the world while in lockdown? Although we can’t travel at the moment, it's important to remember that we will be able to again soon. For now, staying home and enjoying some travel alternatives is the best way to satisfy our wanderlust.
Pianist Kendol Bacchus originally from the island of St. Vincent, is currently riding out the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida. He had a concert tour planned when he arrived in the U.S. two months ago and is now hunkering down until he can resume his performances.
Thanks to travel journalist Terri Marshall, she is sharing some great resources that are sure to curb the wanderlust inside that is screaming go somewhere—ANYWHERE!
Our dear friend Catherine Chambre joined us to discuss how her town, Chambery, and other small villages in the French Alps are dealing with COVID-19. Surprisingly, the measures in these smaller towns and villages are just as strict as those in the metropolitan areas, even though the number of illnesses and deaths hasn't been as high.
For the Vatican and the City of Rome, Holy Week has been strikingly different this year. The bustling crowds that usually fill St. Peter’s Square have been absent due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, despite the absence of visitors, the Pope will still celebrate all Holy Week services, albeit without an audience. While the Vatican’s offices remain open, strict social distancing measures are in place, even as confirmed coronavirus cases have been reported. Voice of America reporter Sabina Castelfranco has been on the ground, covering the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Italy and the Vatican. Joining us from Rome, Sabina provides exclusive insights into the current situation. In this report, Sabina explains why Italy became the first European country severely affected by COVID-19 and how the virus spread so rapidly. She also sheds light on the measures being taken to protect Pope Francis after members of the Vatican tested [...]
The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact in London, England, affecting high-profile figures such as Prince Charles and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is currently in intensive care. Henry Ridgwell, a Voice of America correspondent based in London, reports that COVID-19 has not only affected the health of prominent leaders but has also altered societal norms for years to come. The pandemic has raised critical political questions that will need to be addressed in the aftermath. Tower Bridge in London, United Kingdom. Stay updated on travel news and insights by subscribing to our newsletter at WorldFootprints. Call to Action: Follow @WorldFootprints on Instagram and all social media platforms. Subscribe to our newsletter at for the latest updates and travel inspiration. Hashtags: #COVID19London #PrinceCharles #BorisJohnson #WorldFootprints #TravelNews #PandemicImpact #LondonNews #PoliticalChanges #SocietalNorms #TravelUpdates Stay informed about the COVID-19 impact in London with World Footprints. Follow us on social [...]
Travel journalist Terri Marshall Holder has successfully overcome a coronavirus infection. After returning from back-to-back trips—one international and one domestic—she believes she contracted the virus upon her return home to New York.