Hannah Frishberg
Hannah Frishberg is a fourth-generation Brooklynite, reporter and photographer. Her work has appeared in Narratively, Curbed, Gothamist, Atlas Obscura among other publications and she was most recently the Editor in Chief of Brokelyn. She’s working on a book about the many of lives of the Gowanus Batcave.
Articles by Hannah Frishberg
In a city as teeming with life as New York, it should come as no surprise that there is a similarly populous world six feet under the five boroughs. With so many tourist attractions, New York City’s cemeteries are rarely on most visitors’ top ten lists, but the sheer size of many NYC graveyards, not to mention their famous residents and historic structures, make them some of the city’s most lovely green spaces, despite their morbidity.
Back in 1890, when much of New York's northernmost borough, the Bronx, remained undeveloped, a French immigrant was charged with laying out the then rural area's street grid.