President Obama Awards the 2011 National Medals of Arts and Humanities

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Aired on February 13, 2012

On Monday, February 13, 2012, President Obama awarded the 2011 National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal in the East Room of the White House. The ceremony was graced by the presence of the First Lady and Hollywood A-listers such as Sarah Jessica Parker and John Lithgow, who attended to support their friend Al Pacino.

President Obama delivered inspiring remarks and presented the prestigious awards to the following individuals and organizations, recognizing their exceptional contributions to the arts and humanities:

2011 National Medal of Arts Recipients:

  • Will Barnet
  • Rita Dove
  • Al Pacino
  • Emily Rauh Pulitzer
  • Martin Puryear
  • Mel Tillis
  • United Service Organization (USO)
  • André Watts (not in attendance)

2011 National Humanities Medal Recipients:

  • Kwame Anthony Appiah
  • John Ashbery
  • Robert Darnton
  • Andrew Delbanco
  • National History Day
  • Charles Rosen
  • Teofilo Ruiz
  • Ramón Saldívar
  • Amartya Sen

The event celebrated the remarkable achievements of these artists and scholars, highlighting their contributions to American culture and intellectual life.

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