The Power of Storytelling: A Journey in Social Justice, Travel and Publishing

Aired on September 11, 2020

Why is it important for people of color to control their own narrative? How does preserving your story support historical truths?

Ardre Orie is a publisher, social activist, and ghostwriter. She is the founder of 13th & Joan, and 100 Seeds of Promise, a literary initiative she created that aims to encourage black women and men to express their stories.

In this video, Ardre Orie talks about the importance of providing people of color with an opportunity to express their truths. Ardre emphasises the value of taking control of the narrative and the risks associated with allowing others to tell your story.

Ardre says that although it can be difficult to change people’s hearts and minds, storytelling can be a powerful tool for promoting empathy and understanding. She also expresses her belief that travel has the power to alter people, destroying misconceptions and broadening viewpoints.

Join us as Ardre Orie shares her insights on social justice, racism, empowerment, publishing, storytelling, and entrepreneurship. Discover how her goal of promoting minority opinions is driving important change.

Some of Ardre’s clients have included A-list Hollywood actors, Grammy Award-winning artists, professional athletes and entrepreneurs. Her work has been featured on WH1, MTV, WE TV, Bravo, BET, Centric and more.

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#SocialJustice #Racism #Empowerment #Publishing #Storytelling #Entrepreneurship #Travel #BarackObama #MichelleObama #JayZ #ArdreOrie #travel

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Video Author

  • Ian and Tonya Fitzpatrick, Esqs., are the dynamic founders of World Footprints, an award-winning publisher of socially impactful travel content that explores the profound human connections made through travel. As hosts of the multi-award-winning World Footprints podcast, they have engaged with luminaries such as Maya Angelou, Ernest Green, Ken Burns, Cat Cora and Rick Steves. In addition to World Footprints, Ian and Tonya have written for prominent publications including AAA World, DETOUR, Miami Herald, The Lens, and Island Soul. Globetrotting as travel ambassadors and public speakers, the Fitzpatricks have been recognized as Black Travel Journalists of the Year by the Black Travel Summit.