

Airport and boarding plane

“I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.”               – Rosalia de Castro

How we get to where we want to be is fundamental to any traveler and transportation makes that happen.  Whether by plane, train, automobile, boat or spaceship—coming soon to a spaceport near you—getting around safely and securely is at the forefront of any traveler’s mind.   Because of the explosion of affordable travel in developed and emerging economies, global air networks, public transport systems and ride sharing services have made it easier to go anywhere than at any point in human history.  

  • pit bull service animal|african bush squirrel is not a service animal|Emotional support dog

    The U.S. Department of Transportation has submitted a proposal that just specially-trained dogs designated as service animals be allowed on airplanes. This would mean emotional support animals – from dogs to cats to rabbits to snakes – would no longer be permitted on airlines. 

  • airplane seats are generally blue

    Ever though about blue interiors of airlines ? Flying can be stressful even with seats in business or first class. In most cases, you’re trying to find room in the overhead compartment for your stuff without accidentally hitting someone in the head with those items. You’re so concerned with this, you may never have given the plane’s interior color a second thought. Next time you ride in a plane, check out the color of their seats. Most airline seats are blue (with the exception of Aer Lingus’ green seats and Virgin Atlantic’s red seats). Why the color blue though? Blue Is Easier In Keeping Clean There’s not a lot of time between flights to clean a plane. That’s why it’s in the airline’s best interest to choose fabrics and colors that are able to withstand loads of traffic. Blue airline seats ensure smudges and stains will blend in easily and [...]

  • KLM airline plane taxing to airport gate

    Founded on October 7, 1919, KLM is the oldest airline in the world operating under its original name. The first flight was on May 17, 1920 from London Croydon to Amsterdam on a press flight.