The New Normal in South Africa Amid COVID-19

YouTube video

Aired on April 3, 2020

The COVID-19 virus reached the African nations slower than other continents, but South Africa has since taken significant steps to combat its spread, including a nationwide lock down.

What does the new normal look like in South Africa?

In this video, we hear from Johannes Syms, a resident of the Western Cape, who provides a detailed update on South Africa’s ongoing fight against the coronavirus. Johannes discusses the measures the South African government has implemented to enforce regulations, including strict lockdown protocols, social distancing mandates, and health guidelines aimed at curbing the virus’s spread.

Johannes also shares some of the innovative and heartwarming ways his community is coming together during these challenging times. From neighborhood support networks to creative initiatives that promote social cohesion while adhering to safety guidelines, discover how South Africans are finding strength and solidarity in the face of the pandemic.

Join us as we explore the resilience and ingenuity of South African communities, and gain a deeper understanding of how they are navigating the new normal brought about by COVID-19.

For more global perspectives and inspiring stories, visit World Footprints.

Hashtags: #NewNormalInSouthAfrica #COVID19Impact #SouthAfricaLockdown #WorldFootprints #CommunitySupport #WesternCape #CoronavirusResponse #StaySafe #GlobalPerspectives #InspiringStories

Discover the new normal in South Africa amid COVID-19 with insights from Western Cape resident Johannes Syms on World Footprints.


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  • Tonya Headshot cropped e1508798142913

    Tonya Fitzpatrick, Esq., is a co-founder of World Footprints, a social impact travel media company that she runs with her husband, Ian. She is an award-winning journalist, global public speaker, and three-time TEDx presenter who has written for several prominent publications including the Miami Herald, AAA World, The Lens and Island Soul. Recognized as Black Travel Journalists of the Year alongside Ian, Tonya serves on several travel industry boards, including SATW, The Explorers Club (DC chapter), NATJA, and JourneyWoman. She has also been appointed to the Maryland Tourism Development Board by Governor Wes Moore.