
  • Mariana Cook by Robert Aranow

    MARIANA COOK, the last protégée of Ansel Adams, is best known for her intimate character studies of people both in and out of the public eye. Her photographs are held in numerous institutional and private collections, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art in New York City, The National Gallery and The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Bibliothèque Nationale and Musée d’Art in Paris, as well as The Los Angeles County Museum, The J. Paul Getty Museum, The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and The National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC. Her previous publications include the monograph Manhattan Island to My Self, and the much acclaimed portrait books Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Sons, Generations of Women, Couples, Faces of Science, and Mathematicians. In 2007, she departed from her portrait work with Close at Hand, a collection [...]

  • Rebecca Rothney is founder and chairperson of Pack for a Purpose®™, a newly- founded nonprofit organization dedicated to providing needed educational materials and simple medical supplies to children around the world. Pack for a Purpose is founded on the belief that individual travelers want to make a difference in the lives of others and small quantities of supplies, over time, have a big impact.   Rebecca took her first overseas trip at age 11 and never looked back. She has since visited 35 countries and all 7 continents. After graduating from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, Rebecca began her first career as a middle school teacher of European and non-western cultures. At 40 she started her second career as an entrepreneur with the founding of RHCreations Inc., a boutique manufacturer of cufflinks made from authentic postage stamps and images from her travels around the world. Her products are sold [...]

  • "Kwame, The Snow Leopard qualified for the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010 and was the only representative from Ghana. Being from African heritage and from a country without snow makes his participation particularly special, he is the first skier from Ghana and one of only a handful from the African continent. What makes Kwame's dream and journey to the Olympics even more incredible is that he only starting skiing just over 5 years ago. (Note: Kwame expressed that he was going ski his best during his slolum run but that his goal was not to finish in last place.  Kwame finished second to last in the Games.) Learn more about Kwame "

  • Photo of Haley Comet, astrologer, writer and podcast guest.

    Haley Comet of Haley Comet Astrology is an astrologer based in San Diego, Calif. She’s the lead astrologer of NUiT App Astrology Match & Date, a connection app that leverages a robust natal chart algorithm to generate data-backed insights on compatibility. She was named after a comet and born at the peak of the full moon, so becoming an astrologer was quite literally written in the stars for her.