The happiest countries in the world

Girlfriends laughing
Posted January 1, 1970
by Erin Powell
According to a study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the happiest place to live in the world is Australia.
Coming in at second on the list was Sweden, followed by Canada, Norway and Switzerland. The United States ranked number six on the list.
OECD ranked ten countries for their ‘happiness’ levels based on factors such as the economy, education, unemployment, public health, crime, pollution and work-life balance.
To see the complete list, continue reading at eTurboNews.
Erin Powell is a World Footprints contributor and Master’s Candidate at American University where she studies international media and works as a graduate research assistant. She has previously worked for the Department of State, Prince William Business Magazine and George Mason University’s Office of Student Media. Erin regularly volunteers with the Washington Humane Society and loves yoga, hiking and the ukulele. Follow Erin @erinrenee_.