TODAY IS…International Mountain Day (Dec 11th)
Posted December 11, 2018
December 11th has been designated as International Mountain Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance and value of mountains from an ecological and economical perspective. Help support local communities and our national treasures by building partnerships that will bring positive change to the world’s mountains and highlands.
According to the United Nations (UN), “Mountains are home to 15% of the world´s population and host about half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots.”
The increasing attention to the importance of mountains led the UN to declare to 2002 the UN International Year of Mountains. The first international day was celebrated for the first time the following year, 2003.
Its roots date back to 1992, when the document “Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Sustainable Mountain Development” (called Chapter 13), was adopted as part of the action plan Agenda 21 of the Conference on Environment and Development.
As of 2003, it has been observed every year to create awareness about the importance of mountains to life, to highlight the opportunities and constraints in mountain development and to build alliances that will bring positive change to mountain peoples and environments around the world. The General Assembly “encouraged the international community to organize events at all levels on that day to highlight the importance of sustainable mountain development.”
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